16 June 2014

This hectic week

This week has been pretty hectic for me. Till today, I still couldn't believe that I had actually landed myself a job! Gawd! I have to wake up at 630am every weekday and that would mean that I have to sleep in earlier. I would need some time to get used to it definitely. Its not gonna be easy for me to tune into working life. Oh well!

Snapshots from this week:

Glad you are feeling better granny!

Still a child at heart, mummy!

The climb to work

I ought to get my luggage packed as for now. But I'm nowhere near! My luggage is still empty. Excitement? Hm.. Frankly speaking, there isnt much. But oh well, the only thing I look forward to, is a getaway from this humid country!

11 June 2014

Last week / The Tastemaker store

I have been really busy lately especially this week. I had all my schedules packed even till the day I leave Singapore. Gawd! But as usual, most of my time are spent catching up with friends. I'm gonna start work tomorrow. My thoughts about that? I have to wake up real early. Its as if I'm heading back to secondary school! I'm hoping things would be good in my new work environment though.

Last week:

Visited one of my seconday school friend's cafe last week. Its located at Havelock road and they serves pretty decent food at reasonable pricing:

Rose cake

Lemon curd which costs 3 bucks I believe

This set of food we got for ourselves merely cost $20! Affordable yea?

I looked sun burnt in this photo. Blame it on the lightings!

Rare picture with sokgin!

I realised that I have been blogging much of my selfies. They could actually be found on my instagram. Just that over here, in my blog, I would add a few more photos as I dislike spamming too much photos on my instagram?! Few more days to my trip. Frankly speaking, I'm not as excited. But I'm definitely looking forward for a getaway from this humid little red dot! The heat these days have been driving me nuts!

06 June 2014

Past week / Attica's 10th years Anniversary

As each day passes, I found myself getting lazier and lazier to blog. Perhaps I see my life as a routine, yea, even though I have yet to start working. But what I have been doing is pretty much the same; meeting up my friends, have dinner/lunch and that is about it! I guess I need more drive to keep my blog going!

Anyway, photos of my past week:

Attica's 10th year anniversary:

I'm treasuring every single moments that I have now while I'm still jobless. But it won't be long till my freedom would be seize. Geez! And something ridiculous happened to me yesterday! I was judged by someone who doesn't even know or has spoken to me?! Thats absurd! But oh well, I tried to stand in her shoes and thought of things in her point of views. Perhaps, the option she gave is the best way out? Gawd! My life is too dramatic! Stop all these please! I need a break.