Took a while to consolidate this post. I have been thinking of doing a revamp for the longest. But that's all words and no actions. So during Mid May, I finally decided to work on this project. Don't get too shocked for the next following photo. I know it doesn't seems habitable, but well, my sis and I made do with it for years. Haha. A pig sty, that's what my mum describe my room to be.
Before revamp:
It wasn't actually that messy, this is taken when I was packing a parts of my cupboard. Haha, and I'm not lying!
Messy, disorganised, bags, lecture notes, plastic bags all around
My bed
Amount of junks which I threw, and no, my macbook isnt in the box of course, that's just an empty box.
After revamp:
I repainted my room to light grey, I know it looks white. With the help of sokgin, we managed to finish painting my room within 4-5 hours. All thanks to her! I couldn't imagine if I would to do that myself. I was actually feeling fainty after that. Oh! And for the mirror, I'm gonna get it hang up. Problem now is, I need someone to help me drill in the mirror onto the wall.
Got a help from a friend to help me assemble the shelves for my desk and spray paint on my mirror. Its aluminum in color but I thought its ugly thus, I bought a spray paint and give it a new coat of black.
I purchased this desk from Ikea. Initially, I merely bought the desk alone and not the shelf. But I decided to get it later as I felt that I need more storage area.
Bodycare and Skincare collection which I think I have to change soon as I'm aging! The cold hard truth, time to invest on anti-aging products.
And I cleared my wardrobe too!
Here are some of the clothes I sorted out which are either brand new or worn once/twice. I'm thinking of organising a flea and sell it cheap? After my exam perhaps.
And here's where I hang my necklaces!
So basically, the cost of my revamp are:
I believe the above stuffs I got cost less than $100. A primer is needed if you want to paint your wall to a lighter shade. This is so that you do not need to paint your wall too many times. I suppose, I painted my wall with a coat of primer and 3 coats of paint. If you want to be neat in your work, you would need to tape around the corners of your room too! I did that as I'm rather clumsy, and I want to be as neat as possible! I'm secretly a perfectionist actually.

For the desk, shelves and chair, it costs $119, $59 and $25 respectively. All from Ikea.
Mirror from Ikea too, and that costs $69. Delivery charge and Assembly fees at Ikea cost $85 in Total. Btw, the green mattress that is reflected allow me to allow anyone to stayover! Though, it never happens before. I don't invite any of my friends over, but I think its good to stay prepared, just in case.
Thus, the total cost of my room revamp is less than $500! I change my mattress too as its old. I believe I purchased it from Courts at around $300. Initially, my plan was to get a double bed, but the thought of dis-ambling the entire bed and sharing bed with my sister? Haha, forget it!
So yea, it can be seen a thing about me. I like to contemplate alot! But once I set my mind to do onto something, I will make sure I do it well. The room isn't exactly what my ideal bedroom to be like as I have restrictions of my large bed and built-in wardrobe. But I'm satisfied with the result! At least its neat and my room looks well-lighted now. But in an area for which no one could see, it has been labelled as Junkyard by someone! Oops! Haha. I will clear that soon, I promise!