And its been a few years since I did this. I was browsing through my blog and noticed that someone recently browsed through a post of my past tarot readings that I did 3 years back. Curious and bored, I decided to do another reading. But that isn't something I would treat it seriously, if not I wouldn't have it posted on my blog. But if you would to say as to refer to my current stance, I would say the reading is 70% true. But I got to emphasis it again, tarot reading is a mere reference. To me, it shouldn't be treated too seriously.
31 May 2013
My worries are gone. Phew! That's a mere scrap through. I'm lucky and blessed. Thanks gawd!
And its been a few years since I did this. I was browsing through my blog and noticed that someone recently browsed through a post of my past tarot readings that I did 3 years back. Curious and bored, I decided to do another reading. But that isn't something I would treat it seriously, if not I wouldn't have it posted on my blog. But if you would to say as to refer to my current stance, I would say the reading is 70% true. But I got to emphasis it again, tarot reading is a mere reference. To me, it shouldn't be treated too seriously.

And its been a few years since I did this. I was browsing through my blog and noticed that someone recently browsed through a post of my past tarot readings that I did 3 years back. Curious and bored, I decided to do another reading. But that isn't something I would treat it seriously, if not I wouldn't have it posted on my blog. But if you would to say as to refer to my current stance, I would say the reading is 70% true. But I got to emphasis it again, tarot reading is a mere reference. To me, it shouldn't be treated too seriously.
Card 1 (The Fool) : How you feel about yourself now »
You feel discontent or uneasy and feel a need for a change in your life, a new direction, perhaps even an adventure. You might not know where you want to go, just that you don't want to stay where you are. It's a time for optimism and major decisions - unexpected influences could have a powerful effect on your decision making. Ask yourself, is what you desire really the right thing for you?30 May 2013
Saveur @ FEP
I have been coping/resting at home for the past 2 weeks. Still, I don't think I have fully recover but I am well enough to head out. Speaking of my illnesses, I finally gave in to visiting a doctor after feeling super unwell for a week. Its not that I'm stubborn or anything. Its just the thought of thinking I have to wait for more than an hour for my family doctor, I don't think my body could take it. Basically, every type of illness you can name, I have suffered from them :(
Anyway, SY wanted to try Saveur as she hasn't gotten the chance to try it out yet thus we had our dinner there at their new outlet at FEP. We waited an hour to get into the restaurant. Gawd! Anyone should know how much I dislike long wait. But unlike other restaurants for which we had to queue, I left my contact down and got ourselves seated at the benches outside the restaurant. Which was wasn't that bad afterall, as we spent that hour doing some catch up. But for dates, I would definitely not want to kill my time waiting outside the restaurant. I would rather pick another restaurant with my date.
Anyway, SY wanted to try Saveur as she hasn't gotten the chance to try it out yet thus we had our dinner there at their new outlet at FEP. We waited an hour to get into the restaurant. Gawd! Anyone should know how much I dislike long wait. But unlike other restaurants for which we had to queue, I left my contact down and got ourselves seated at the benches outside the restaurant. Which was wasn't that bad afterall, as we spent that hour doing some catch up. But for dates, I would definitely not want to kill my time waiting outside the restaurant. I would rather pick another restaurant with my date.
Different layout concept as compared to the one at Purvis Street
Appetiser: Saveur Pasta
Main: Duck Confit which Zoe and I each ordered a portion
Main: Chicken Farce
Special: Duck Breast
Desert: Pistachio Panna Cotta
Desert: Chocolate and Hazelnut
How typical Singaporeans would react when food is served. Hahaha
They can't stop talking, which explain the above shot
One thing I noticed, they have upsized their portions as compared to what I had tried last year at Purvis street. And that's a good thing! The total bill of the above food and 4 glasses of beverages amount to near $92. Which is pretty cheap right? Gotta thanks Eugene for the treat as he just received his surprise bonus?! Didn't knew that such thing exists in a government sector! Actually working for government isn't that bad. His annual pay for which he received is like close to 15 months of his pay and he could always leave his office on time. Further, no tough work or unpleasant working environment at all.
Right now, I'm feeling nervous and scared for tomorrow. Frankly speaking, I don't have a good feeling about that. I seriously think that I would not be able to pull it through. But I'm crossing my fingers on that though I think May isn't my month at all. Weeks after weeks there just seem to be something for which I would be unhappy of. Haiz. Till tomorrow then!
27 May 2013
"Raindrops fall from everywhere
I reached out for you but you're not there
I reached out for you but you're not there
So I'm still waiting in the dark"
20 May 2013
17 May 2013
Month of May
Kind of really hate this month. Just what is wrong with the month of May. Been injured, hurt and now sick. Always thought I have a strong immune system. But it seems not very so. I was feeling really sick yesterday when I was out. However, luckily the illness only kicked in after I caught finished a movie. Which wasn't too bad and I am glad instead. Nothing to groan or moan about. I think no one could really see that I'm feeling unwell unless I'm seriously ill. Putting up a tough front? Yea, always have been. I had no intention to guilt trip anyone as I thought I could handle it myself. Afterall, its my own body. It will be great to have someone to be taken care of but would one actually want to trouble a person because you are feeling unwell? Not for me. I never want myself to be landed in a state of someone elses burden.
I just came back home, thought I had recovered from yesterday discomfort but I fell sick again. Guess its the rain that I caught myself with when I returned back home. Having flu, sore throat, headache and feeling feverish now. Gawd! How bad can my immune system be? I really really dislike the month of May. It seems that I am having trouble with myself every week.
Okay enough of myself feeling sick. Let's move on to another topic. I don't think I could continue going on to the next topic. I am just waiting for my hair to dry thus came out with this post. And I'm feeling really really really sick now. I need my bed. Till then, I would post another post regarding affair of heart.
I just came back home, thought I had recovered from yesterday discomfort but I fell sick again. Guess its the rain that I caught myself with when I returned back home. Having flu, sore throat, headache and feeling feverish now. Gawd! How bad can my immune system be? I really really dislike the month of May. It seems that I am having trouble with myself every week.
Okay enough of myself feeling sick.
13 May 2013
"I'll be sitting right here real patient, all day, all night, I'll be waiting standby,
Can't stop because I love it, hate the way I love you"
Mothers' Day
Brought the mum to have a casual dinner earlier on. I believe that all mums are an important pillar to ones' family. She's the one that toils in the family; not only does she has to cook to feed all of us, but she also does all the housework and work. I'm not really good in describing or penning down my thoughts on this but in all I feel really blessed to have a mum who dotes me.
And its always tough to capture a proper pictures with her. As listed below are all the shots I took with her today:
She refused to look at the camera as she wanna to keep a lookout for cabs
And she hates smiling on the camera. That is no wonder why my friends (merely a handful of them who came by my place as I don't like friends to drop by except my really good friends; haha <5) are afraid of my mum as they claimed she looks fierce!
Told her a joke and forced her to smile. Not too bad an effort but I looked really awful! Haha
I think I could finally said, at last, a proper picture! :)
To all mums, a Happy Mothers' Day! And to those who are suffering from illnesses, I sincerely wish that their conditions will get better as each day passes. Most importantly, I wished all mums to stay happy and be blessed always!
10 May 2013
Social Media
Social media- Pros or Cons? Which do you think provides one with more? No doubt its more of pros than cons for me. Social Media allows me to connect with my friends via Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and my Blog. Though I'm not those who are really active but it allows me to stay updated with all those events and stuffs that are happening around me.
And I always have this fear in me, I have no idea is it because of the influence of my friends or whatsoever but this particular fear of mine has unleashed. Beginners might need some time to explore and figure things out but for me, I'm observing- silently. There are things for which I know but I didn't say or question and as a result, I ended up pondering with those thoughts in my mind, guessing what the reasons could be. It isn't exactly counted as lies of the other party however its definitely not the truth. But isn't the opposite of truth, lies? Alright, I'm plain contradicting myself. And is that the reason why I always suffer from insomnia? Sucks to be me- to be more of a thinker.
And I always have this fear in me, I have no idea is it because of the influence of my friends or whatsoever but this particular fear of mine has unleashed. Beginners might need some time to explore and figure things out but for me, I'm observing- silently. There are things for which I know but I didn't say or question and as a result, I ended up pondering with those thoughts in my mind, guessing what the reasons could be. It isn't exactly counted as lies of the other party however its definitely not the truth. But isn't the opposite of truth, lies? Alright, I'm plain contradicting myself. And is that the reason why I always suffer from insomnia? Sucks to be me- to be more of a thinker.
Something I had just learnt of today. One should only be rewarded for whatever good you do. An individual shouldn't expect to gain of anything without reaping. And one shouldn't give of too much without the other party doing anything to trigger those acts.
Alright. I had enough of thoughts. That's conclude all. Its clear that I'm not in the best of mood now. Time for bed.
09 May 2013
The Tea Party
Headed out with my sister earlier on. Had to admit, we hardly head out together; just the 2 of us. But yup, since she was having a day off and I am having my vacation, we went out together to kill the boredom at home. Kind of ashamed, my sister is working part-time but me on the other hand, decided to spend my 2 months rotting at home. But hey! I will be working till the day I retires once I graduate. Shouldn't I just enjoy my carefree life first? Alright, plain peirong's logic.
Anyway, we went to town. From Ion, to Taka, to Tangs, to FEP to Plaza Singapura. I think we spent less than 4 hours in town and we are bored of it. In Singapore, there really isn't much you can do beside shopping, eating and drinking urh. Other than that, I really can't think of what one could do.
Anyway, we went to town. From Ion, to Taka, to Tangs, to FEP to Plaza Singapura. I think we spent less than 4 hours in town and we are bored of it. In Singapore, there really isn't much you can do beside shopping, eating and drinking urh. Other than that, I really can't think of what one could do.
I was contemplating to get this entire set. But I gave up the idea in the end. I thought over and over again, this entire outfit is not something I would wear a lot of times. But the cost is pretty alright, amount to $200 including the pair of heels I was wearing. Anyway, am still proud of myself for resisting the temptation.
Sis's OOTD
After which, we took a bus down to Sixth Avenue and headed over to The Tea Party for dinner; recommended by my sister who is a frequent patron there.
2 storeys cafe
Tea Party do have really affordable food menu. This is of no wonder why this place attracts so many secondary school kids.
Cosy little cafe
Guess how much does all this food amount to? Merely $20.80! Ya, I didn't type wrongly. Normal other cafes would amount to the same price for 1 set meal! But over here, its really affordable and most importantly, the food tastes good too!
I have this really bad habit. Recklessly commit on an action presumptuously and then regret it in less than a day! Agrh! Just who has turns me into this? Soft spot? Desire? Oh well. I really have to learn to think twice next time. The feeling of feeling regretful and thinking what the opposite party would think of me is nerve-wrecking. Just kill me please! That's not quite the norm of me. So what could the be the reason for my actions? Would the opposite party have a clue to that and hopefully answer my query? Oh gawd!
I have this really bad habit. Recklessly commit on an action presumptuously and then regret it in less than a day! Agrh! Just who has turns me into this? Soft spot? Desire? Oh well. I really have to learn to think twice next time. The feeling of feeling regretful and thinking what the opposite party would think of me is nerve-wrecking. Just kill me please! That's not quite the norm of me. So what could the be the reason for my actions? Would the opposite party have a clue to that and hopefully answer my query? Oh gawd!
06 May 2013
03 May 2013
Anyway, right now I'm thinking if I should give myself a getaway. I could have one, if I would like to. A really abrupt impromptu one for which I just need an air ticket and everything is settled on my part. But, I still have yet to totally convince myself if I should accept the invitation?
A retreat would be nice for me especially when I had killed million of brain cells during these couple of weeks
02 May 2013
Oh its Fairfield!
Another backdated post. This was taken about a month ago when my Secondary school held a carnival. And this year was one of the biggest scale that I witnessed thus far.
Alright, I'm just gonna leave the pictures to do the talking:
Alright, I'm just gonna leave the pictures to do the talking:
All these years while I was in Fairfield, this is the first year that I witnessed poor weather condition. Regardless of cross countries, sports days, past carnivals etc, we never once encountered poor weather, but oh well! People were still flocking there as Fairfield only holds the carnival every 5 years.
Getting our tickets
Ms Thio, who was our form teacher during our final year in school, invited us and gave us tickets for the carnival. Really am touched by her gesture for still remembering us.
Mr Glen Tan, my Maths teacher during my Final year
T-shirts booth area
The crowds
Dunk Tank! I heard that the highest bid went up to $200?! To dunk the current VP. Haha.
The clique! And our classmates named us as: Ancients! Haha, don't ask me why. I couldn't quite remember the reason to that.
Just a basketball court away from Fairfield Primary
And ACJC is just beside Fairfield Primary
2006 VS 2013. Haha, how different do we look?
F&N kitchen
Our classroom
The lockers outside our classroom. Which made our schoolbags so much so lighter!
The school hall! Couldn't get access to there as they closed the area.
Staffroom area
Was contemplating whether to post this Jump shot as I looked so 'candid'. Awful I would say as I was wearing this chiffon dress and its really light! If I didn't held onto my dress, I could guarantee that my dress would fly up! But oh well! The rest of my girls look great!
The area where we could mug after school
Its Air-conditioned which makes it why it is so popular for us students to stay in school to study together! And teachers were assigned for us as an O level students then, for us to ask questions.
Fairfield Primary
I'm surprised that the fish pond is still there!
School field
Just to recap. Days in Yellow and Blue!
And in our school T-shirts
Merchandises for which I got at the end of the day
That was before I head down to Fairfield. Hair everything nicely set. But when I was at Fairfield, gawd! The weather was so humid! Not only I had to ditch the jacket I was wearing earlier on, my hair became so sticky and flat! Definitely not of my best of mood due to the weather. I have to admit, I really am a temperamental creature. My moods control every parts of me! Haha.
Due to the rain, we didn't get the chance to head over to another side of our school which consists of our assembly area, indoor sport stadium, CCA blocks etc. But I think its good enough to have a chance to revisit our school! Its been a great old 7 years since then! I doubt we would ever get a chance to do that again. Soon, all of us would be so busy with work!
Hm, now I wonder how would we be like in another 7 years time? Busy with kids I guess?
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