28 May 2014

2 weeks ago

Back then when I was schooling, I realised I had plenty of time to update this space. But right now, being a fresh graduate, who is unemployed still, I haven't been able to blog as much. Too busy and lazy I guess?! Oh well!

Backtrack post to a couple of weeks back:

Met up with the buddy who was craving for Koh Grill thus we queued up nearly half an hour for that!

And the greedy and famished us ended up ordering this much! Yea, all for 2!

Made simple comfort meal with whatever I can find in the fridge

Tea time with Kai Lin at Arteastiq:

And the greedy me: 

I know its unglam, but whatever!

Thanks girlie for the Pierre Hermé macrons! Love it :)

Well, I had finally gained weight on myself and its scary. Its scary to look at the weighing scale. The weight which I had gained in less than a month is astonishing! And the reason to this is definitely due to my increase of appetite! I am constantly found hungry these days. Somehow, I think that my metabolism is slowly down too. Gawd! Is this a wake up call to start exercising? This is annoying me! 

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