18 August 2012

Group Therapy & Flor Patisseries

Duxton Hill are filled with hidden treasures (foodies, I mean). The search for the restaurant is pretty simple for now as Kai has already mastered the art of reading google maps! Haha, I've yet to! But for me, you just got to bring me to the place once, I would be familarise with the route to the destination (the only thing I got to exclude is asking me for direction when driving; I have no idea how to differentiate route name, expressway etc).

Cozy environment at Group Therapy cafe.

Eggs Benedict with smoked salmon

And after our lunch, we headed over to Flor Patisseries which is nearby for cakes. I actually wanted to get a birthday cake from here a couple of weeks back but Flor was kind of far away from the train station thus I got the birthday cake from Pâtisserie Glacé at Icon village instead.

Berry Berries

Can you see the gap between my teeth? Its pretty unsightly as the dentist are closing the gap for my front few tooth. And something random to share. Whenever someone asks me what day is today, I always have to pause a while to think. The reason? Everyday seems like Sunday to me! Yea, by saying that my friends would get really irritated. But seriously, I'm giving credits to RMIT for that. They didn't manage to plan my timetable well enough.

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