Ishi Mura serves really big portions and affortable food. Do visit them when u are free!

There's a computer analysing booth and Mr Quek spent merely 3 bucks to have his fortune analyse. Personally, i felt that some are truth and mostly are..

With teck Hwa. Oya, Jurong Safra provides a really tranquil environment too. Just make sure that you dont head there during lunch hour. It's really packed!

With Keith Chua!
There's a computer analysing booth and Mr Quek spent merely 3 bucks to have his fortune analyse. Personally, i felt that some are truth and mostly are..
With teck Hwa. Oya, Jurong Safra provides a really tranquil environment too. Just make sure that you dont head there during lunch hour. It's really packed!
With Keith Chua!
As the mahjong session was cancelled, we decided to head back to JP to catch a movie instead.
That's the 3rd cartoon movies that i caught and it also the worst. Perhaps it doesnt suits my taste.
As there were some time to spare before the movie started, we went over to Zone X and play a couple of rounds of games. Yes, that include me! It's just for fun, you see!
The Basketball games. Its actually quite fun for the first few rounds. But slowly, i realise this games requires superb aiming skills and stamina!
Look at those bruises on my hand. The reason that actually lead to that was the bangles on my wrist. I'm really dumb to actually felt the pain after the games!
Finally, realising Xiong's dream of snapping a picture with Ronald MacDonald!
This was actually an impromptu request to snap this photo by me. I actually asked a primary school kid to do this for me!
They are actually more prepared now! But that stupid Xiong blocked me off completely!
After the whole movies, Justin suggested to go to his house. It's actually just a stop away. He stays at Pioneer!
Our usual card games- Blackjack and Dai Dee!
And Ericia came along too, to help justin out with the brownie and cooked dinner for us- Spaghetti! After our dinner, we moved on to K sessions.
That's Ericia by the way! She sang really good!
With Zoe (: My hair was totally in a mess after the entire day!
And Justin's dad came back home. He loves to sing too and he even sang duets with a couple of my classmates. I must say he really has good stamina!
Xiong is really lacking of stamina against Justin's dad as you can see! By the way, they were dueting Hokkien Song. Theme song of Ai i think!
Okie, i'm dead tired. Its the second time i re-update this post due to some technical error. And there's still never ending FYP for me to be concern of. Agrh.. Cant wait for it to be over!
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