21 May 2008


It is saddening to watch the news everyday to see disasters happening; the earthquake in china, bombings in India... It's painful to see all these disasters happening around us and we are really very fortunate to be safe in this little island.

There are lots of touching stories in China. Take for example, a mother who was on the verge of dying; lifted up her top and allows the baby to have sufficient milk to stay alive. Another example; a filial son who placed his mum in a large basket and carrys her around to run for life. Another example; a mum tried to protect her baby by sacrificing her body to support those loads. She hid a handphone in the baby and it reads: Dear baby, if you manage to stay alive, do know that mum really love you! There is a particular story that touches me. A volunteer joined the searching team; he heard the cries of her daughter while he was hunting for signs of survival of the victims. At the same time, he spotted a group of children and he could save them easily instead of his daughter who was burried so much deeper than them. He forsaked his daughter and went to save that bunch of kids. The cries of her daughter got fader and fafer. Eventually, he heard nothing- absolute silence. He knew he had lost her daughter. Tears were flowing down his cheeks but he still continued saving the victims. Just imagine the agaony in him. He was that close to his daughter but yet he had to forsake her to save the rest. That is really noble of him!

Disasters are devastating, it separated people from life and death. Those who passed away, died in pain and those who manage to stay alive; suffer from heart-wrenching (missing their loved one).

We are indeed lucky to live in a disaster-free country. I do hope that this disasters will end die really soon!

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