Woke up at my earliest- 630am! I must be mad isn't it? Getting up at 10 am already isn't an easy task for me. But well, preparation takes time and I failed to anticipate or get my time plan forecast accurately.
So the past couple of days I'd been stocking up my fridge with groceries and my mum has been nagging at me as I'm occupying her space in the fridge. That's pure exaggerating!
Look at my groceries:

This might not be all as its just a day groceries but still how much can I buy to prepare 3 dishes?
I anticipated that I will end the whole cooking session in just an hour but NO! I failed to anticipate the cleaning time too! So with cooking and cleaning, I ended my day in the kitchen at 815am. Changed and rushed down after which.

With the simple 3 dishes!

And off I went.
I wanted to take a cab down but no cab was available due to peak hour. Thus I'm left with no choice but to take public transport. Today just isnt my day urh! I waited for train at Jurong East for a good insane 15 minutes, I stepped onto something sharp just as I was mopping the kitchen floor and blood was oozing like crazy, I injured my fingers when I boarded a cab at the North side and once again, blood flows like crazy.

And a prove of how misty the weather is in the morning!
Anyway, back on track. After which, I went to get my medications at Bt Panjang. Taking a cab down after which was already in my mind as I'm rushing for dental appointment. But no, no sight of cab at all for the past 15 minutes. And could u believe within that hour when I was waiting to board a cab, i actually changed 3 buses ( 184> Ngee Ann, 74> Clementi, 151> Kent Ridge Terminal). I stopped at Kent Ridge, till then I only noticed I boarded the wrong bus. Luckily, it was easy for me to catch a cab there. And in all I was late for my dental for an hour!
My day didn't end here. The dentist actually wanted to re-bond my teeth but I cant as I was rushing to work. Working at an Event Company. Ending the day with aches. But yea, it wasn't that bad with company of friends. Went back home, had dinner and my friend dropped by my place to pass me some stuffs he got from Taiwan. How sweet!

The bag of goodies i received!

And my hair looking super flat as I was trying on his cap earlier on.

He said the black studs with gold details earring, is so me! Urh? But, it's always the little thoughts that count, isn't it?
Though today is tiring but I'm not gonna complain, because thats what I chose to and I pretty much enjoyed the cookery process. Its been an insanely packed Thursday, but I think I could sleep well tonight? Hopefully?