I'm finally back from tests!
Summary of all the tests? They are really tedious especially BMT and Econs. Killed millions of my brain cells on that. Anyway, i had to choose between 2 options for my course- quantity surveying & project management or property and facilities management? Dont ask for my interest- i had none in both of them! It took me about half an hour to write down my choice and i'm still isnt sure if that is what i want ( no, i should put it in a way if that it will benefits me!)
Quantity Surveying & Project Management Quantity Surveying is a specialized profession that deals with all matters relating to the financial and contractual aspects of a property development from inception to completion. The Quantity Surveyor, or Cost Manager, or Project Manager, works with developers, architects, engineers and contractors to provide cost and contractual advice, to control cost, forecast and financially manage a project throughout its entire duration.
Property and Facilities Management Property & Facilities Management is a fast growing professional discipline concerned with the multi-disciplinary activities of integrating people, asset, environment and process to ensure functionality, to enhance lifestyle, to add value, and to optimize the physical environment and infrastructure. Facilities Management enables businesses and other organizations to carry out their main functions efficiently through space planning, asset management, event management, maintenance, administration and contract management. Students would be equipped with knowledge in financial planning and budgetary control, negotiation, space and asset management besides the technological skills necessary for the very challenging and diverse role of a facilities manager. In addition, students will be trained in estate agency and marketing, land use & planning, economics and valuation.
Oh my! My head is getting bigger. If i want to make changes to it, i can still amend it by monday morning.
Damn! On the surface, this week i should be mugging- PURELY MUGGING! However, i still cant resist the urge of online shopping. Bought lots of stuffs this week.

I'm going to fully utilise this 3 weeks of holidays. There are lots of stuffs i wanna to do! And i'm suffering from major breakouts and blemishes!