Account & Finance: 72.5
Contract Procurement: 77
Property Maintenance Management: 80
Measurement of building work: 94
Project Management: 83
Test result satisfactory. Account and finance result sucks and that is because secondary school did not offer POA. I think every secondary school should offer that, it is kind of essential.
This week past really fast! It is a blink of eye. Work on saturday and sunday again. I decided not to work during school days, it is kind of stress. You see, without a proper rest for the entire week. It is just too hectic!
I have no idea what is going on with me. I actually went for a run on thursday. It made me realised that my stamina has dropped a lot. And i meant A LOT! It is just a ten minutes run and i was feeling bits of giddiness after the entire run.
Endless thoughts kept filling my mind and it enable me to look at things in different aspects.